Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Re: [mix mason mp3 blast] N.A.S.A. ft. Kanye, Santogold, Lykke Li

My bad for lack of supplyin dat new-new, things have been crazy! Here is an insane remix of "Gifted" from none other than Dim Mak's Steve Aoki. "Let's rage b*tches"...


On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 2:22 PM, ::the:mix:mason:: <mixmason@gmail.com> wrote:
N..A.S.A. ft. Kanye West, Santogold, Lykke Li - Gifted
If you think this threesome is nutty, just check out the tracklisting for the rest of the album!! This one version's more of a preview...I got a high quality version but cant send that out for a few months cuz its watermarked and I'd get in loads of trouble. This is the version thats floating around the net. Album drops in February.

the all new .. mixmason.com

the:mix:mason || mixmason.com

A FRESH START mixtape [new 03.20.09]
download: http://www.mediafire.com/?4zymmkmze1e

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